What this is all about...

It all started with a "little" book called 1001 Wines You Must Taste Before You Die. I asked a few girlfriends if they would be interested in working through the book with me. I mean, 1001 wines, by myself? Thought that would seem a little selfish. Fortunately, I have some of the greatest friends in the world and they have willingly agreed to take the plunge with me. We have gone a little "off book" but I haven't heard a complaint yet.

As we continue with these tastings, I hope to share not only the wines and what we thought of them, but also the food we paired with the wine and recipes as needed. Food can make or break a wine and our tastings have borne that out. I want to share that information and help break the "mystique" of wine.

We are expanding our wine knowledge and narrowing our choices at the same time. The real time goal is for all of us to find a few varietals (that is what the different grapes are called) that we like and then find the lowest, consistently good price point for those varietals. You do NOT have to spend a lot of money to drink really good wine!!!

13 tastings down, 100s still to go. So grab a glass, pop a cork, and join us!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pinot Noir - October 2011 Tasting Notes

Pinot Noir -

I love Pinot Noir!  This is one of the easiest drinking reds around.  That said, I am a snob when it comes to my Pinot.  I love the jamminess of a great Pinot from Oregon.  I don't like Italian Pinot Noir.  Something just gets lost in translation.

We have one in our little wine club who hates (I mean HATES) Pinot Noir.  I was on a mission to convert her.  Australia won her heart and Oregon took over from there.  She still likes her Merlot, but she will sip on some Pinot now.  Score!

Folonari - 2009 - Italy (second bottle tasted) - $7.99 @ Premier Beverage (NY)  This was a fail as evidenced by the second bottle still sitting in the wine fridge almost a year later.

Coldstream Hills - 2007 - Australia - (first bottle tasted) - Special Order, 29.99 @ Wegman's  When I put the special order in at Wegman's, Jay (THE wine guy) said, "That's not a grape Australia is known for.  I don't think I have heard of a Pinot Noir from Australia before."  Okay, so he was skeptical.  That didn't get us the wine any cheaper.  After the tasting, we went back to him and said that if he could get it around the $20 price point, we would take a case.  Still waiting on that case though.

Vignerons Pinot Noir - 2005 - France - $9.99 @ Premier Beverage (NY)  We drank it, but only after we finished the Australian and the Oregon ones.

Cloudline Pinot Noir - 2008 - Oregon - $15.99 @ Wegman's  This is what Pinot Noir is all about.  Jam on the nose, fruit in the front, clean finish in the back making you want more.  This wine definitely pairs best with a glass (a "Bob" size glass).

We tasted these with heavier foods.

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